Sunday, February 20, 2005

Driving Lessons

Spent Sunday afternoon practicing parallel parking in the Bally carpark. It was a misty grey day with low cloud stuck between the mountains. Nick had placed the two goal posts, usually used during the Bally soccer matches, a car-distance apart and stood in the empty car park like a patient but exigent general, delivering instructions on the proper parking maneuvre.

I lowered the electric window and the frosty winter air lashed at my face. I pulled my woollen beany over my ears and followed his orders and hand-signals. My clumsy feet struggled with the clutch and the break and the accellerator in an attempt to keep the car from stalling. I quickly became flustered and started swearing. But I have to admit, Nick's teaching technique is flawless. To my surprise, I did succeded in parking the monsterous Beamer in three easy steps. Afterwards, I spent about an hour repeating the excercise; reversing in and driving out of the space between the two goal posts until I finally managed without stalling the car once.

This seemed to take forever and to my horror, once I even nipped one of the goalposts! Eventually, I got it.

Nick has an uncanny ability to deliver simple, clear instructions that are a recipe for driving success. In my experience, this is highly unusual. Men tend to get very irritable when a woman learner is behind the wheel of their precious vehicle. But I'm lucky because not only is he patient but also generous with praise. Fortunately, I'm also not a total ass.