TV Glozter
When I'm home alone and tired from working out at the gym, there's nothing I like better than vegging out infront of the telly with a glass of fresh juice and a slice of cake. But I also like to be a couch potato on those days when I feel overwhelmed by the sheer length of my Things To Do list. It's just so much easier to stick my head into the box rather than scrape my lazy ass off the couch and mean business.
Admittedly long-term unemployment hasn't helped my motivation. It feels as if I had an endless supply of days lined up infront of me, stretching all the way into the distant future, in which to accomplish all my great ambitions and pursue my life-defining goals.
But in truth, this bad habit was ingrained decades ago. Back in the 70s when I used to be too stoned to do homework and when TV provided me and my pot-head buddys with a pretext not to do something constructive with our youth. Having said that, some of us grew to become successful tax-payers.
On the other hand I'm not alone. And having grown up in a household where we had two television sets stacked on top of each other in the livingroom, and home-made animations on Suprer 8 were a family pastime, I guess I'm simply a daughter of my time. Today, my early exposure to moving pictures translates into a passion for multimedia. If I'm not infront of the box, then you're sure to find me behind the VDU.
But unlike the computer, television has the advantage that you can sit comfortably and watch with another person. And you can eat and drink while doing so. I'm an advocate for home-delivery pizza, eaten right out of the box, while watching a good movie. In spite of all the dieticians advising against it. I think that certain food tastes best eaten in a dark room, before a glowing box and surround sound.